Tag Archives: big island

Big Island Shrooms

The onescoopkimchi family spent the Easter holiday on the Big Island swimming, playing, going to the beach, and of course, eating. The first stop is the supermarket, but it’s always a tough call on what to buy when traveling for a short time  to a place that has a kitchen. The essentials always include kimchi, but it’s never easy to finish a full jar. This time, I had a solution. I made up my own recipe on the spot and, judging from the reaction it got from the fam, it was a successful concoction.

Like many Americans, I’m a full-blooded mutt. I can trace my heritage to Poland, Lithuania, and Canada (French). I have never felt any particular connection to any of these cultural affiliations, but I have rather fond memories of grandmothers and great-grandmothers reminding me of my heritage, particularly the kinds of food they grew up consuming. At a very young age during visits to see them, they would prepare one or more of these dishes. I remember a few, but the one I remember most is what I knew as “greebies.” I recall greebies being slowly simmered mushrooms and onions, but I had no idea if the name was real or just a family thing my Lithuanian great grandmother created. I did some research and found that it is indeed real, but it’s not a recipe. The word grybas (pr. greebies I’m assuming) simply means “mushroom” in Lithuanian. Mystery solved.

So, what to do with a bunch of mushrooms, a stick of butter, and a jar of kimchi? Yep, Korean grybas. Our Saturday night dinner was steak, so I decided the K-grybys would be a delish topping/side dish/panchan. The recipe is as easy as it sounds. I slowly simmered a half-stick of butter, mushrooms, salt and pepper, and kimchi for about 2 hours. Perfection (IMHO 🙂

Not the best kimchi in the world, but did the trick


simmer 2 hours


recommended accompaniment: raspberry lambic (actually, i just though the picture was cool)